Dear website visitor,
This is with much joy that we welcome you to our website. As you navigate through the pages and posts of this website, we wish the hope-filled charism of the Stigmatine founder, St. Gaspar Bertoni, that we are to live and spread out in the whole world, touches you.
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St. Gaspar Bertoni was the founder of the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Stigmatines), a Catholic religious order of priests and brothers. And we are lay people associated with this congregation, with the purpose of living and serving under the light of his wonderful charism of abandonment to God and service to the Church and to the people. We are known as “Stigmatine Laity”, or commonly as “lay Stigmatines”.
Founded on November 4, 1816 in Verona, Italy, the Stigmatines are currently present in 17 countries of the world, and we, lay Stigmatines, are always associated with a Stigmatine house, where we receive formation and serve, helping the Stigmatine priests and brothers, either locally or remotely, through the internet.
We are now preparing for our 3rd international encounter that will be held in Rome and Verona, this coming month of September, in order to commemorate the bicentennial of the Stigmatine Congregation, in this Holy Year of Mercy.
In the pages of this website you can find further information on St. Gaspar Bertoni, the Stigmatine congregation, about us, and what we do, where we are, Stigmatine library and so on.
Fraternally, in the spirit of St. Gaspar Bertoni,
The Stigmatine Laity