Father Richard Tabarelli, CSS [1850- +1909] concluded the procedures of the approbation of the Stigmatine Institute by the Holy See.
He taught Philosophy and Theology to our professed students and in Roman seminaries, and was director of the Stigmatine schools of the Stimmate, that had been opened again for nine years. He was also a councilor and general procurator for several years. Pope Pius X defined him as “the glory of the Stigmatine Institute and the Church”.
Father Giuseppe Fiorio, CSS [1876- +1958] was general postulator for the cause of beatification of the Stigmatine Founder for many years. He loved the congregation very intensely and wrote its chronicles, from the foundation until 1941 [Breve Cronaca].
As devout of St. Gaspar Bertoni, he transmitted his spirit by writing a very memorable booklet, in 1914. He also wrote the Founder’s biography (1922).
Father Giuseppe Stofella, CSS [1885- +1966] was endowed with great intelligence and music talent.
In 1926 he began to research on the historical archives that substantiate all our Stigmatine life. His publications were numerous and of dense content. After 1952, retiring to Verona and Sezano, he began publishing his masterpieces: the Stigmatine Collectanea [Collectanea Stimmatina], Life of the Founder [Vita del Fondatore] and Epistolary [Epistolario]. He had already adapted to the modern Italian and published the “Pages of Christian Life” [Pagine di Vita Cristiana], in 1947. He also composed the Hymn to the Holy Spouses, Patrons of the Stigmatine Congregation.
He died in S. Leonardo nine years before he could see the most beautiful fruit of his labors: the beatification of Bertoni, for what he compiled and commented the Memoriale Privato
[Spiritual Profile] of the Founder.
Father Luigi Benaglia, CSS [1900- +1988] spent 10 years in studying the manuscripts of Bertoni, which he collected and reorganized.
He left a good memory of his ability as a professor, of his perfect musical talent and of his priestly ministry in the church of St. Pietro Martire.
Father Nello Dalle Vedove, CSS [1917- +2006] began early to collaborate with Fr. Giuseppe Stofella in the historical studies for the canonization of the Stigmatine Founder and other veronese founders. He was able to bring to the conclusion the causes of beatification [1975] and canonization [1989] of the Stigmatine Founder.
Fr. Joseph Henchey, CSS [1930-] compiled and translated into English, in 1967, a Stigmatine Calendar, covering the period 1777 – 1911. He has also translated into English other Stigmatine historical works, making them available for the English speakers around the world. He is also the main author of the Chronicle of the Stigmatines in North-America. For all his over 72 years of Stigmatine life and 52 years of Priesthood, he has been developing studies on the charism of St. Gaspar Bertoni and on the Founder’s Original Constitutions. He has established a website in honor of the Stigmatine Founder: ‘A Tribute to St. Gaspar Bertoni‘.
A Stigmatine Calendar [1777 – 1911]
Compilation and English Translation by Rev. Joseph Henchey, CSS [1967]
Biographies of the Early Stigmatine Community [1839-1903]
English Translation by Rev. Joseph Henchey, CSS [2006]
Biographies of the Early Stigmatine Community - English Translation by Rev. Joseph Henchey, CSS [2006] |
Early Stigmatine General Chapters [1871 – 1911]
English Translation by Rev. Joseph Henchey, CSS [2000]
Early Stigmatine General Chapters [1871 - 1911] - English Translation by Rev. Joseph Henchey, CSS [2000] |
Breve Cronaca [1876 – 1958]
[A Brief Chronicle of the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ – from 1876 to 1958] – by Fr. Giuseppe Fiorio, CSS [1917]
English translation by Rev. Joseph Henchey, CSS [2005]
Breve Cronaca [A Brief Chronicle of the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata [1800 - 1841] - by Rev, Joseph Fiorio [1917]. English translation by Rev. Joseph Henchey, CSS [2005] |