Seated [L-R]: Fr. Jordélio Siles Ledo [Superior Provincial] and Fr. Gilberto Dias Nunes, Provincial Vicar. Standing [L-R]: Fr. Valmir Cassim da Silva [2nd Councillor], Fr. J. Tadeu A. Lima [4th Councillor] and Fr. Elízio Pereira da Anunciação Filho [3rd Councillor].
Pleading to God to pour forth upon us all the blessings necessary for the good accomplishment of the mission of the new Council, we address all a fraternal greeting.
Fr. José Tadeu Aguiar Lima, CSS
Secretary of the Provincial Chapter
Corumbataí, SP, May 18, 2018.
Superior Provincial: Fr. Adriano José dos Santos
Fr. Divino Pereira Caixeta
Fr. Idelfonso Braz dos Santos
Fr. Fernando de Assis Queiroz
Fr. João Batista Irias dos Santos.
God bless and illuminate the new Provincial Government!
There took place at the Brazilian Stigmatine Retrseat House & Conference Center, in Corumbatai, SP, Brazil, on September 8 – 10, 2017, the annual retreat of the Stigmatine Laity of the Province of the Holy Cross. The theme of the retreat was: ‘300 Years of Devotion to Our Lady of Aparecida’. That was a time of deep spirituality, sharing and learning to the Stigmatine Laity who seek, each day, to deep themselves in the knowledge of the Stigmatine charism, as well as to live the Bertonian spirituality, and like St. Gaspar Bertoni to reflect on Mary, who with her maternity, love and charity always intercede for all her children.
There attended the retreat 85 lay Stigmatines, from the Bertonian Family (‘FABER’) cores, like: Campinas, Itararé, Marília, Praia Grande, São Caetano do Sul, Ribeirão Preto and the newer core, the one of the district of Mooca in São Paulo City.
There was presented a beautiful and joyful Night of the Nations, with each core of the FABER representing a country where the Stigmatines are present. That was a moment of much joy, sharing and confraternization among the cores.
The preacher was Fr. José Odail Pertile, CSS (Formator at the Seminary of Philosophy [‘Chácara do Vovô’], in Campinas, SP, and also the seminarians Igor Leandro and Rodrigo Alves, students of Philosophy. The preachers added so much on the knowledge of the life of Mary, showing us that, to be truly lay Stigmatines, we have, like Mary, to give our ‘YES’, and to assume our proposal of life following St. Gaspar Bertoni.
The closing Mass was highlighted with the admission of 37 new lay Stigmatines, among them 5 as aspirants, 11 as postulants and 20 make their promises, compromising themselves to:
dedicate their lives according to the teaching of St. Gaspar Bertoni;
be faithful disciples of Christ in the Church, serving in the Kingdom of God, especially in favor of the youth, vocations, missions, priests, married couples and marginalised;
live deeplly and be testimony of the Bertonian spirit, and to collaborate with their local Church.
May the Holy Spouses Mary and Joseph, and St. Gaspar Bertoni, help and lead them!
Kelci Ribeiro Ferreira dos Santos
Stigmatine Laity – Provincial Secretary
Province of the Holy Cross – Provincial Headquarters, Retreat & Conference Center and FABER Centers
On March 18 & 19, 2017, there took place, at the Stigmatine Seminary of Philosophy (Chácara do Vovô) in Campinas, SP, the annual province-wide conference of the Stigmatine Laity (FABER) [1]. The conference was attended by members of the six FABER local centers, i.e.: Marilia, Praia Grande, Ribeirão Preto, Itararé, São Caetano do Sul and Campinas (all in the state of São Paulo).
It was a very important moment in the journey of the Stigmatine laity, in which we evaluated the work carried out by the FABER local centers in the last 12 months, and draw up new guidelines for the next period.
2017 FABER Annual Conference – group picture
About 35 people were gathered, among them all the Provincial Councilors, including Fr. Luciano Romero da Silva, CSS (Vocation Director and Director of the Stigmatine laity) and Brother Marcos Paulo.
In addition to the meetings, we had also out-of-home and leisure moments, such as a visit to the Cathedral of Campinas, a prayer service in front of the tomb of the deceased Stigmatines, a picnic at Lake Taquaral and, at the closing of the first conferences day, a beautiful Italian Night, prepared and offered with great affection by the FABER Campinas.
2017 FABER Annual Conference – The Italian Party group picture
The second conference day was begun with the Holy Mass, presided by Fr. Luciano Romero da Silva, CSS, who preached and assured us that hope never disappoints, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us (Rm 5:5).
With this certainty, we were able to make all the decisions, including the schedule for the next province-wide meetings, that follows:
– September 8-10, 2017: annual retreat, at Santana Retreat House and Conference Center (Fazenda Santana), in Corumbataí, SP;
– November 18, 2017: a pilgrimage to Aparecida, SP;
– March 17-18, 2018: annual conferences in Itararé, SP.
At the end of the conference, a Relic of St. Gaspar Bertoni was presented to all of us. This relic will visit consecutively all the FABER centers, starting in Itararé.
We ask the Lord to strengthen up the spiritual journey of all the Stigmatine Laity, for we can continue walking in the footsteps of our Founding Father St. Gaspar Bertoni, under the light of his Charism.
By Kelci Ribeiro Ferreira dos Santos
Stigmatine Laity Councilor
[1]FABER stands for FAMÍLIA BERTONIANA, the Family of lay Stigmatines in the Province of the Holy Cross, in Brazil.
During the annual province-wide retreat of the Stigmatine Laity of the Holy Cross Province, in Brazil (known as FABER), there was elected the new coordination for the next 2 years.
Just after the counting of the votes, the elected members were consulted and all accepted their assignment. The elected coordinator and vice-coordinator, respectively Lena Martins and Cidinha Paiola, who were in Rome, accepted their assignments by phone calls.
This is the new coordination of the Stigmatine Laity (FABER), for the next 2 years:
Lena Martins (Praia Grande – SP): Coordenadinator Cidinha Paiola (Marília): Vice-Coordenadinator Ana de Jesus (Itararé): 1st Councilor Kelci Santos (Campinas): 2nd Councilor
Substitutes: Carlos Dalpino (São Caetano do Sul, SP) Maria Antonia Bernava(Marília, SP)
Our confrere, Father José Teixeira de Mello, CSS, from the Province of the Holy Cross, in Brazil, passed away on December 9, 2014, in Campinas, state of São Paulo, in Brazil. He was 79 years old.
Father Teixeira was born on March 7, 1935, in Montes Claros, state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil.
He entered the Stigmatine Congregation after his retirement, and was ordained a Stigmatine Priest on his 58th birthday, on March 7, 1993.
National Conference of the Catholic Bishops in Brazil
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Most Rev. Moacyr J. Vitti, CSS, Archbishop of Curitiba, dies in Brazil
There passed away today, victim of a heart attack, the Archbishop of Curitiba, PR (state of Paraná), Most Rev. Moacyr José Vitti, who belonged to the Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata, and was Archbishop of Curitiba since 2004.
He was born in Piracicaba, SP (state of São Paulo), on November 30, 1940. He studied Philosophy and Theology at the St. Gaspar Bertoni Institute, in Campinas, SP. He was ordained a Stigmatine Priest in December 1967. He was specialized in Catechism and Doctor in Dogmatic Theology by the Pontifical University of St. Thomas, in Rome.[1]
Abp. Vitti was elected bishop in November 1987, and received the Episcopal ordination in January 1988, in Americana, SP. From 1988 to 2002, as Auxiliary Bishop of Curitiba, he was in charge of the border parishes of the city, the pastorals, social assistance, religious teaching and the Academic Pastoral of the South Region of the National Conference of the Catholic Bishops in Brazil. He was Bishop of Piracicaba, SP from 2002 to 2004, when he was transferred back to Curitiba, PR as Archbishop. In 2007 he was elected President of the South Region of the Conference of the Catholic Bishops in Brazil, position that he held until 2011. His Episcopal motto was: “One Single Heart”.
May he rest in peace.
[1] For his Doctorate, he had as his tutor Father Joseph Henchey, CSS