The chapel of the Espousal Center was nearly filled by friends, which is always heartening.
Fr. White was the chief celebrant, assisted by Fr. Anthony Corigliano and Fr. Hawker (diocesan). Fr. Byrnes came over but stayed in a pew.
Fr. White ‘opened’ by saying how important he felt it was to him to be present since he’d been recuperating from surgery at the time of Fr Bob’s funeral Mass & thus been unable to be here for that.
Next Fr White said we would hear ‘remarks’.
First up was Dennis Taylor – always eloquent, pithy, from the heart & laced with dry humor.
Susan Crowley followed – sweet, sincere & brief.
Fr. White then spoke saying how glad he was to have started with these remarks because the remarks certainly ‘set the tone’ that would be permeating the Mass.
After the Mass we repaired to the auditorium for refreshments and fellowship… and what a joy to catch up with so many people that I either see ‘only in passing’ or, worse, nowadays I rarely see.
