Mundelein Seminary
1000 East Maple Avenue
Mundelein IL 60060
Commemoration of St. Catherine of Siena, Doctoress of the Church
April 29, 2017
Dear Stigmatine Lay Member

As the month of April ends and May begins, there are two Dominican Saints commemorated, who have been much honored by the Church: St. Catherine of Siena, Dominican Tertiary – and in early May, the Dominican Pope, St. Pope Pius Vth. St. Catherine served as a counselor Popes – and St. Pius Vth promulgated the Decrees of the Council of Trent – as well as promoted devotion to the Most Holy Rosary. This devotion came to the Church through the ministry of St. Dominic and many early Dominicans.
To commemorate this month of May, we will offer a “birds-eye view” of a Stigmatine Calendar with an insight into some Stigmatine history from 1777-1911 – events that took place in the month of May over the years.
For our spiritual reflection, I am also offering a translation of a study compiled by our late Stigmatine Confrere, Fr. Cornelio Fabro, CSS, on some of St. Thomas’ insights on Mary [1]. [St. Thomas emphasized the universality of Christ’s redemption of the human race – and the Franciscan, Duns Scotus, clarified the more the terms of the mystery, by teaching that Mary was more loved by God, hence more perfectly redeemed from the contagion of sin: we have all been healed, and the contagion of sin was prevented from ever reaching her by God’s special grace – and the technical word used is “preventively”]. Then, secondly, there will be a brief outline of several of the parish sermons delivered by St. Gaspar, considering the Mother of God. [2] [It is remarkable that in his spoken word we have very little of his ideas regarding Mary as the Spouse of St. Joseph. However, our Patronal Feast of the Holy Espousals was simply a devotion lived in the early Stigmatine community.

Let us deepen our devotion to the Blessed Mother of God in this month of May – as we ask for the intercession of the Holy Spouses Mary and Joseph, on our own lives, those of our families and of the Church.
May God bless us all, each and every one! – let us ask for the grace of an increased devotion to Mary and Joseph, the Patrons of our Congregation and in a particular way, of our Province here in the USA!
Fraternally yours in our devotions to Mary and Joseph,
Fr. Joseph Henchey CSS
Acting Spiritual Director
[1] An Aspect of the Mariology of St. Thomas Aquinas – by Fr. Cornelio Fabro, CSS. [2] An Aspect of the Mariology of St. Gaspar Bertoni in his Parish Sermons.
An Aspect of the Mariology of St. Thomas Aquinas – by Rev. Cornelio Fabro, CSS
An Aspect of the Mariology of St. Gaspar Bertoni in his Parish Sermons – by Rev. Joseph Henchey, CSS